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Hallo, semua!
Wah aku merasa sangat malas hari ini. Sekarang aku disekolah dan baru aja bel.
Aku semakin bingung dengan pelajaran yang ada. Banyak PR yang kalo dikerjain seminggu baru selesai, aku jadi punya kantung mata.... It's horrible.
Well, I'm trying to get it off my face.
Hari ini ada acara aqiqahan keponakanku. Yang paling aku tunggu-tunggu adalah....
Hahahahah.... aku kan doyan makan! Ada gule kambing, ada ayam! Mmmm..... Gak sabar nunggu jam empat...
Yang jelas, aku harus pinter bagi waktu. Pulang sekolah ini, aku mau langgsung pulang dan makan... langsung charge hp.... mandi dll, siap-siap berangkat.... and ......
I don't know the next.
Well, semoga ku nanti dapet banyak gambar. Aku suka rumah kakakku. Gaya minimalis.... mmmm... so modern! And it's blue! YEEE!
Well, semoga seluruh acara berlangsung lancar.... amin...
Eh, udahan dulu.... udah mau pelajaran lagi... Dada!
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Hallo semua!
Wah, aku bahagia sekali hari ini. Aku sudah jadi tante-tante. Hahaha
Jadi, tadi malem jam 19.30 anaknya abangku lahir. Cewek! Hahahaha, aku bahagia! Aku seorang tante, berarti udah gedhe. Bayinya cantik (gak kayak aku.... hehehe) n sedikit prematur karena lahir tiga minggu sebelum perkiraan. Gak papa lah, yang penting ibunya selamat, anaknya selamat.
Terus tadi pagi Cha'e ma Intan kasih selamat gitu deh. Tapi gelinya mereka kasih selamatnya kayak aku yang barusan ngelahirin bayi. Hahahaha. Gak papa deh. Yang penting aku senang. Hehehe
Dada semua, ingin menikmati hari ini.
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Hallo semua!
Wah, aku ceritanya dah ngatuk, belum shalat isya', belum slese ngerjain PR, pokoknya serba gak beres deh.... Tapi aku bela-belain posting. (Hehehe, aku kan baek.... ^_^v)
Kemaren ibuku pulang dari rumah sakit dengan hasil: sudah dioprasi. Ye!!! Akhirnya, setelah ditunda berkali" ibuku jadi juga dioperasi katarak. Harapannya bisa sembuh secepatnya, jadi ibuku bisa bikinin aku baju, ngajarin aku njahit n ngrajut. Cepat sembuh ya Mum! Love ya!
Hari ini aku les fisika di rumah guru fisikaku Pak Nur Edy, wah aku baru inget kalo aku belum bayar les buat bulan ini, padahal udah jalan 2 minggu, wah parah! Yang jelas materi hari ini cukup memusingkan, tentang kuat medan dan sebagainya. Lumayan mudeng sih, tapi tetep aja pusing soal 1 volt = 1 joule apalah itu , whatever.
Rencananya besok Intan ama Cha'e pada mau ke rumah aku lagi, niatnya belajar fisika gara-gara gak mudeng ama materi hari ini, tapi gak tau juga kalo jadinya malah kayak minggu kemaren. Semoga tidak. So I wish that it'll works. Amen.
Well, udah malem dan udah ngantuk juga belum shalat isya'. Good night and i hope that everything is going to be well. Bye!
Ah.... stelah insiden nangis itu, ternyata senin kemarin ada satu cwe yang pindah ke kelasku. Ah, finally! i have a chair mate right now (even if they don't like me).
And i got some nice room mate : Arina, Dwidda, and Cyntia. Well, mereka gak deket" banget sih sama aku. Tapi seenggaknya mereka asyik. Aku sempet putus asa gara-gara masalah ini, tp ternyata Allah selalu memberikan jalan. Alhamdulillah deh....
Oh iya. Hari ini ibuku dioperasi katarak. belum tau hasilnya sih. Tapi semoga besok pulang dengan selamat (dan dengan oleh"). Amin.
well, aku mo tidur ah.... sangat ngantuk sekali....
Bye, and I hope that everything is going to be well. Amen
Good Night all!
Ya ampun... aku ngerasa parno banget.....
Aku sedih kalo inget-inget acara study tour agustus depan, kenapa?Karena akhir-akhir ini aku ngerasa sendirian di kelas, semua udah ada pasangan masing-masing, except me! Mana di kelas, jumlah cweknya jadi ganjil, aku jadi duduk sendiri. Huhuhu.
Aku berharap masih ada rolling kelas, tapi kayaknya gak mungkin, ada formulir yang harus diisi berhubungan dengan acara study tour, terus harus nyantumin kelas ama absen. Klo ada rolling kelas, kasian yang udah ngisi,ntar harus ngganti no. absen. Lagian besok senin udah harus dikumpulin. Huhuhu
Kemaren aku nangis di sekolah, meratap deh ceritanya. Sediiiiiiiihhhh banget.... Sampe ditenang-tenangin ama Intan ma Cha'e. Ya ampun, mereka emank sahabat yang baik. Thanks Guys.
Terus udah nangis darah (peace....^^v) tuh, eh, ada Omi bawa bukunya Raditya Dika yang Babi Ngesot. Wah, lumayan, kan Cha'e mo kerja kelompok, aku baca buku aja deh....
Eh, baru ditinggal kerja kelompok sebentar, penyakit gilaku kumat lagi, ketawa-ketawa sendiri gak jelas. Gila banget deh pokoknya.... Untung ada Omi bawa buku Babi Ngesot. Thanks juga bwt Raditya Dika yang udah bikin buku yang lucu. Klo dah punya duwit, ntar aku beli yang Marmut Merah Jambu deh... Hahaha
Yang lebih buruk ,tadi malem aku mimpi buruk, seluruh anak 9G minta aku buat keluar dari kelas, duh, horrible banget deh. Aku awalnya bingung, terus aku mudeng klo aku disuruh keluar. Eh, aku malah bilang "Dengan senang hati, aku emank pingin dapet rolling, pingin keluar dari kelas ini." eh, giliran mereka yang bingung. Tapi setelah itu aku merasa bersalah banget udah ngomong kayak gitu, dan aku ngerasa kalo aku dibenci banget... aku sesak, sakit, capek akan ini semua.... Untung ada ibuku yang mbangunin aku. Hah lega....
Tapi tetep aja perasaan itu kebawa terus sampe sekarang..... wah, moga" gak ada apa", amin
Well, aku mo makan dulu ya, laper! Dada!
Ah, hari ini dan seterusnya mo pake bahasa indonesia aja deh. Ribet pake bahasa inggris, ga bisa leluasa. Gini kan enak.....
It's the third day of school. At the beginning, i thought that i would not fit in. But now, I almost fit in. My new friends are really really nice. Well, most of them. But you know what? I think I'll enjoy my class.
There's just one thing that maybe i would not enjoyed. My lesson just too much. it's the third day, but it feels like the third month. Huh, what a busy day.
Well i have a goal that i will be more diligent this year. Wish me luck!
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Today isn't a really a boring day... but still boring (????)
Well, tomorrow is my first day of school. i really hope that i can fit in, friendship is everything to me, it's so fun to have a friend.
well, like i always say, I hope that everything is going to be well. Amen
Good Night!
Yesterday, i went to school for classes distribution. And I'm in class 9G.
Well, I almost cry because there were only 3 or 4 people that i know well. But, i can't just give up. So next time, I'll try to befriend with them.
I also went to Panjiwo Restaurant (Kramat, Magelang. In front the Mental Hospital) with my friends from 8F yesterday. We ate fried chicken, that is so tasty, and the "sambal", it's very spicy. I like it. We paid the bill with 8F's money. We were so happy (and full).

But, I'm not really happy. My skirt was ripped out, it's a uniform skirt!
luckily, my mom fixed it this morning, and i'm going to wear it for one time, and make another one.
After that, I, Cha'e, and Intan went to Gardena Department Store (Jl. A. Yani, Magelang). They bought some stationery. And I bought a denim jacket that is really cute (I think), and a brown sateen veil.

Well, I bought those stuff for my study tour with my school to Bali next August. Well, I hope that everything is going to be well.
Well, I almost cry because there were only 3 or 4 people that i know well. But, i can't just give up. So next time, I'll try to befriend with them.
I also went to Panjiwo Restaurant (Kramat, Magelang. In front the Mental Hospital) with my friends from 8F yesterday. We ate fried chicken, that is so tasty, and the "sambal", it's very spicy. I like it. We paid the bill with 8F's money. We were so happy (and full).

But, I'm not really happy. My skirt was ripped out, it's a uniform skirt!
luckily, my mom fixed it this morning, and i'm going to wear it for one time, and make another one.
After that, I, Cha'e, and Intan went to Gardena Department Store (Jl. A. Yani, Magelang). They bought some stationery. And I bought a denim jacket that is really cute (I think), and a brown sateen veil.

the brown sateen veil
Well, I bought those stuff for my study tour with my school to Bali next August. Well, I hope that everything is going to be well.
Two days ago, i went out with my friends for shopping.
We went to many shops, especially a clothes shops. Because I need some clothes to wear.
So I bought 2 cute clothes, they are all blouse. One is brown with white vertical line, and the other one is white with pink flower pattern. They are just so cute.
I also wanted to borrow some movie in Odiva (VCD & DVD rental shop), but when we were on the way to Odiva, i just tell them that, "I guess we're not going to Odiva, I forgot my member card." And they just laughed, i felt really upset. I really want to watch the movie!
Because it's the last week of holiday, we went to a book shop to buy notebooks. actually, there was only me who's really bought the notebooks, cause they're already have. I bought 4 dozen notebooks, and some ballpoint.
And my friend just say, "It's not heavy, right?". Huh, luckily, they helped me to bring them.
After that, we're going to a meatball stall. It's called Keplekan stall. It's located near Rejowinangun Market. And it's really tasty.
After sat for a long time (cause we can't stand and walk with a full stomach), we decided to go home. Well, I enjoy that day, and it's hard for me to let them go home. I hope that we're going to be in the same class for the 9th grade. We'll see tomorrow morning, and i hope that i will wake up early.
The worst part of the hunt day is: My hand and my leg became not good since i arrived home, 'till this morning.
Beberapa hari ini, aku punya banyak pikiran yang harus dikeluarin. tapi bingung harus dikeluarin ke mana.
Karena aku tipe orang cerewet, aku mengurungkan diri untuk cerita langsung ke seseorang, kasihan yang dengerin....... hehehe......
Tulis di facebook, gak enak juga, karena cuma bisa nulis....
Akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk bikin blog....
Blue Think, aku suka biru, nenangin.....
Semoga dengan nama Blue Think ini, pikiranku bisa tetep jernih dan aku jadi nggak gegebah dalam mengambil keputusan.